andika Feb Group Gift[Banana Liqueur]Dispenser

By andika - February 02, 2019

Thank you for everything.

May you feel a wealth of love this Valentine’s Day.
•.¸¸◟(˘͈ᵕ ˘͈●)􀀂

andika [BANANA LIQUEUR] dispenser
andika [BANANA LIQUEUR]-4glasses/decor
andika [BANANA LIQUEUR]-1glass-Red heart/decor
andika [BANANA LIQUEUR]-1glass-milk heart/decor

Resizer for each

Please go from the inventory to the ground, menu click and select  from the menu.
 If you allow installation in the next window you will be wearing your hand and animation will begin. 
 *Wearing items do not go into inventory 

  [experience] This product uses AVsitter's experience . 
You can set up people who have land that can build experience. 
 When you use on the land where experience setting was done, if you give permission when wearing first, you will not be allowed from the next time on.  
If you teleport from that place, what you wear is automatically removed.


愛を伝えたり愛を祝ったり 毎日そうゆう時間がもてたらどんなに素敵なことだろう なんて
思ったりもするけれど 照れくさかったり 日々の忙しさに埋もれて忘れちゃったりね
バレンタインデー こんな日があるんですもの この日くらい スマートに愛を祝いましょうか!

そして どうも有り難うございます

ミルクチョコレートのグラス 赤いチョコレートのグラス 彼HIm 彼女Herそれぞれ選べます


 ダイアログに ownerというボタンがあります
オーナー用 Group用 全ての人
AVsitterのディスペンサーのスクリプトを使用しているので インベトリーにグラスは残りません
土地所有のかたであれば 体験も利用できます

decor用にグラス いれておきました

一番寒い時期 どうぞどうぞ 体調くずされませんように!


*** Please refer to our main store for redelivery issues. The terminal is at the front desk.

***Does not the pose match?
Adjusting the position is in the dialog menu.
You can adjust the position with each pause stand.
Do you wear it? I can hear it, please press Yes.
To wear it, touch outgoing props.
If the baloons appears to be out of alignment, adjust the position of the props.

I think whether there is a difference in shape when taking a picture.You must understand that all of our shapes are different, and it has a great influence on poses.
If both hands are too far apart, or when peeking at each other, waist or face: Adjust the width of the shoulder and the length of the arm proportionately.
If your hand is too high or too low, please adjust the length of the neck, the length of the torso and the length of the arm.

Note: When editing the appearance, SL viewer should not make you stand upright. Then you can adjust the pose to perfection. This setting is automatically displayed between [Display Settings]> [Move and Display]> [View]> [UNTICK].

Please enjoy


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